My nano-life

Some one once told me this math - 52 weekends in a year. So how many weekends in your life ?

Come this Nov, I as "Arun" would have already completed 38 years on earth. If - and thats a big if - I don't get rammed down by a speeding car while crossing a road, or not beaten to death by a mob (as my wife always says, given my nature of picking up arguments with random people when I feel something is wrong), or taken over by a failed liver or so (yes, in spite of being a non-alcoholic) -- I expect may be 12 more years of "active life". That gives me about 600 weeks - 600 weekends as well.

Now, here is another math... In a week, assume a 9hr sleep, you are awake for 15 X 7 , 105 hrs.. Let say 2 hrs per day for daily routine, that leaves you with 90hrs. You are "paid" for 40hr per week at work - let us say practically you spend 50 hrs, and 10 hrs on commute, that still leaves you with 30hrs a week. Add some weekend outings and relaxation time of 10hrs, that should leave you with 20 hrs 


It suddenly dawned on me - what am I doing for this "extra" 20 hours ? Am I spending enough time with my 5yr old ? What about the good old habit that I used to have when at IITM of going to bed with a book in hand ? Or in the least, what about my blogging habit ?- I used to write 2 or 3 of them

This one, so far had been my "technical blog", mostly tracking (mostly just news links) of any possibilities of a semiconductor fab in India ... just 35 posts till Apr 2012 , and now a more than 5 year gap. I am hoping to make this a more active one... may be not just limited to technical stuff

Will this be another resolution which will fade away ?.. as they say "proof will be in the pudding" 


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