as long as the cat catches mice

"Whether a cat is black or white makes no difference. As long as it catches mice, it is a good cat." - that famous quote from Deng Xiaoping  was made in the early 1960s. However he really showed to his people, and to the world what he meant after he rose to power in 1978, ridiculing the Mao led Cultural Revolution's slogans like  "it is better to be poor under socialism than rich under capitalism" , "a socialist train coming with a delay is better than the capitalist one that comes on time" 

Of course, the other thing that Deng was (in)famous for was his alleged ordering of the crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. 

Deng seems to have put China on a path that continues even today - and much more aggressively. Movements like and seems to have least bothered the Chinese.. and now they are after many more "small mice" 

Chinese interest in Myanmar now is more known among Indians, thanks to the Doklam standoff but what is lesser known is the influence in Sri Lanka. 

In fact there were reports in 2015 that India was quite pained with Mahendra Rajapakshe letting an increased influence of China in Sri Lanka that  RAW essentially helped engineer his election defeat and Sirisena's victory . But now, as this detailed article says "Even a new president who took office in 2015 on a promise to curb Chinese influence succumbed to financial reality"

And now this -  clearly, this cat has feline agression


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